Have you ever had an idea that gets stuck in your head? Something that may not be the best thought you've ever had, or something that strikes you as absolutely brilliant? Maybe something you know you want to do, but aren't exactly sure how to go about it? Or you know how to do it, and how to do it well, but maybe just can't see what the final picture should look like? That's me. That's been me for awhile now.
I came up with this idea for a podcast - one of those downloadable, take it with you and listen to it when you want to, internet radio shows. I know what I want it to sound like (mostly), have all the equipment and knowledge to get it done, everything... except what to talk about. This has been nagging me for the better part of a year.
In my nearly 20 years of professional broadcasting - radio and television - I've never seen or heard anything like these things. I currently listen to about seven or eight different podcasts, all of them inspired, all of them very personal works of art by those that create them. I can hear it when I listen to the people hosting them. It's the sound of people doing what they love and loving to share that experience with the world, or at least the part of the world that has the Internet plugged into it.
It sounds like the early days when I was just starting out in radio, when we were just a bunch of nerdy college kids with the coolest hobby in the world - playing records, making each other laugh, and maybe sharing a great experience with those listening. It was radio for us, but it was radio for the people out there, too. There were people trying to save the world by dispensing information to the masses, and there were those trying to save the night by dispensing smooth jazz to the college girls we'd met on the quad that afternoon. Maybe I'm just nostalgic. Maybe I'm delusional. Maybe I'm narcissistic. I just want to feel that way again, and here is a way to bring it all back.